The name of this art work contains a hopeful message that Utopia is here, in Stayrak and
is related to "Sungwon Adpia," which is a compound word made of Ad from advertisement and Pia from Utopia.

The large art work that people can pass by is a work provides white pearl colored shade during the day and a symbolizes Stayrak through a projection by a beam projector at night. The projected image is divided into various colors between the shapes of the alphabet. Whenever the screen of a video changes, the feeling of the work that changes with time will provide a sense of visual vitality and create the atmosphere of the space luxurious. A film projector symbolizing the memories of the Geukdong Theater, which gave joy to many people, is placed under a clear glass installed on the ground, adding a symbolism of the space.

  • Location Outdoor
  • Operation hours 24 hours

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